I awoke slowly, uncertain if I should
rising to the occasion
wondering what the story was to be
alone in the dark, I asked to receive
looking out into the void
distant eyes peering back
Venus was there waiting
a beautiful alluring beacon
in the twilight betwixt and between
where uncertainty seems certain
as darkness births the dawn
the solar winds brush my cheeks
a sense of calm washes over
in the promise of a new day
yet with this rising light
something goes missing
for the darkness still tugs
awaiting its eventual call
Venus invites me
with her last waking breath
to take it all in, breath deep
remember with each exhale
letting out what once was in
with this unexpected gift
a seed fell from the tree
then another, and still more
until I couldn’t help but notice
who are these two birds
one eating from the fruits of life
while the other watches
in contemplation, wondering
I called out asking
who are you two
whence they replied
I am Gnosis, tweeted one
I Agonia, chirped the other
yet this made no sense to me
these simple sounds
then let us introduce you
to our friends Logos and Eros
to confuse you even more they replied
chuckling as only birds can
it was Eros who welcomed me first
a warm embrace was her gift
the mother of love
the grounding of presence
Logos then stepped in
uttering something unclear
what was this word I was to hear
this notion of mind out there
suddenly I felt off balance
teetering and twisting
for what seemed anew
was everything I knew
these seeds, the gifts of two birds
dizzying as digested
sent my head spinning
in every which way
Eros embraced me again
ensuring I wouldn’t fall
yet Logos prodded and poked
with all his might
to keep me off balance
the sun soon set
as certain as the day, night befell
Venus appeared once again
this time at twilight
showing the way
she winked at me
and said…
sister Earth
who am I
but we
in your minds eye
you will find
the resources to grasp
to question all you can
be still at night
awake with the light
feel the rhythms
create the rhymes
let go and wander
this is the poetry of life
your path is to ponder
The last I remember was being lost in the sea of cacophony
The horizon barely visible
Swirling in a backcasting eddy
If it weren’t for the 2birds I would have never made it to shore
They sensed it first, the sirens call from the island led us all here
Story-temptress she be entangled in tellings
Neither fish nor foul, I crawled from this storied womb
Grasping at threads
Hold on she whispered,
“its your way in and out again”
The last I remember was being lost in the sea of cacophony
“Look-out” squawked one of 2birds, “look-in” cooed the other
There they perched one on each shoulder
my back against the trunk of this ancient tree of life
The ground cool and damp seeping into my bones
The will of must hinting mythelium
Each leaf a page carrying a sense of storyseeds and mythsticks
I do remember you both, you’ve come back to me
My worry you wouldn’t return took me asunder
I’ve counted on you both for generations but fear
my agility of thought and lack of memory
at the end of the day would lead me astray
Story-temptress she be cloaked in will and desire
Waiting on the shores of noofoundlands
A full spectrum beacon beaming dreams ashore
Luring us with longings and lore
Huginn and Muninn how good to hear your names once more
Here together in the noosphere
This commons of mind
Threads of thoughts
Mythelium in the making
Reminding us from whence we came
A storied pair of tales
Re-membering the murmuration
To be intuitively in accord
🧶 Entangled Clew — Rolled up entwined in these stands to this very day, evolved over eons, within this last fairytale you’ll find a clickable Clew or two awaiting you — gifts with the sense of story strung through…
The Eleprocon Chronicles
Eleprocon mythOS 2birds BEAMing noosphere
Dear Leah and storied peoples of the School for Sacred Storytellers,
Once again I show up in gratitude.
Little did I realize many years ago how meaningful it would become to find a sense of place under your wing while the School for Sacred Storytelling started to take flight.
I can also say, little did I realize how meaningful it would be to find in that place a sense of community who were there to share, receive and co-create in an encouraging and playful way.
I also didn’t really know why I was there at first other than I felt there was a story willing itself to come out of me over the years. Its a long time to have carried a story since 1979.
Fortunately the story temptress tapped me on the virtual shoulder luring me into realms of learning, probing, sensing, listening.
Now I can say that the years of writing prompts, drawing exercisers, open mics, mentors, teachers and elders have given me the courage to bring Mark’s Myth to light.
During this journey of discovery, bits and pieces, artifacts of thoughts and stories have found their way into different forms. It was during the recent Story Summit the school hosted that tickled my 2birds to spread their wings.
Please accept this gift, this medley of mythOS, for the School for Sacred Storytellers in kind for all you have gifted me.
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