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The Mind Gardening Oracle Deck

BEAM(ing) with Roxi & Matt 10/04/24

Eleprocon Chronicles: storyliving the #senseof love…

If I could have imagined it back in 1979 when the eleprocon epiphany snuck into view… the first wedding with my eleprocon kin would have looked just like what happened October 4th, 2024. 

On their wedding day Roxi and Matt gifted their kin who were present “The Mind Gardening Oracle Deck” booklet with 54 selected cards they created from the evolving full deck found here.

The first word to come to mind was BEAM(ing)

This beacon of the Backcasting Evolutionary Alliance Mediums has woven many of us together through the Design Science Studio coHeARTs encouraging our mythOS of kinship spawning the mythelium.

Here are some of the texts and selected images from “The Mind Gardening Oracle Deck”


Beaming is the act of sending out a focused beam of radiant positivity. To BEAM is to remember our divine nature and send out love into the world. This act of pure generosity can change the course of history. When you beam, you are sending out light into the world in order to make it a better place. 

We are living in an era of regenerative renaissance, a rebirth of light. To BEAM is to be in accord with your highest self, acting from a place of love and compassion. Beaming is an act of pure creative expression. When you pull this card, it is a sign that you are being called to send out your own unique light into the world. BEAM love, hope, and healing into existence. You have the power to change the world simply by beaming your highest vibration out into the universe.

To form a beam take a moment of stillness and meditation to listen deeply. Wade through the many scattered reflections you see in the waters of mind that is your neocortex until you find the light at the core of your self. As you seek through the hall of mirrors of your mind you may find many illusions and refractions of past visions of self. Keep going until you sense pure source. Distill this essence, this essential being and focus it using the refractive lens of your mind. 

Once you find source, direct this beam of pure life force outwards into the world. You will feel the energy flowing from your heart filling you with life. The energy you send out can give life to others and ignite a spark within them. It is the lens of the mind that focuses this flame into a beam of pure healing energy. All of our beams shining together will help reignite the heart of mother earth towards a regenerative future.

Following are the first set of four cards I pulled upon opening the deck. I hold them with a #senseof integrity and wholeness of story. Each card an interconnected node of the tetrahedron. The story of full circle, of being sphere now. And so happy to see the 2birds show up and sneak into the story as usual…


The circle means nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. 0. 

This statement may confuse and surprise some. You may be reading this and find your mind immediately making a list of associations that contradict this very statement. Good.

In truth, all symbols are inherently meaningless and are vessels to contain meaning. We pull cards imbued with the meaning of others because we are seeking guidance to resolve uncertainty in our lives. Do not be deceived; whatever message arrives in our consciousness is a reflection of yourself, not the author of this card. Each time you draw this card, you may even have a different interpretation. In this way, symbols are like reflecting pools.

Remember, when you choose any card your interpretation of it is what matters most. When we send symbols to another mind we don't actually transmit meaning, we activate the codex of local meaning. We are not transmitting a thought to you by writing this, we are introducing patterns and context into your mind that is causing your neocortex to fire in interesting and useful ways. The pattern that is arising in your brain will help to connect the disparate and under-connected tendrils of your perception. So this card can mean what you need it to. If you need this card to mean something specific for you, stop reading and write the description of the card you would have liked to receive. 

In this sense the circle card both means nothing, and everything.

If you are still feeling uncertain about the meaning of this card and seek further guidance, the makers of this deck hold the circle to mean belonging, connection, equality and non-hierarchy. The circle is the shape of human gathering around the fire - it's the shape of community. When this card appears in your reading, consider the circle of your self as part of the larger overlapping circles of the flower of life. It is a sign that you should look for ways to connect with others and make a positive impact on your community.


Mother Earth is a conscious entity. Her forests are neural networks, rivers and oceans her circulatory system. She breathes in mountain air and exhales clouds, while her tectonic muscles flex. Animals on migration paths are her bioelectric pathways. Plants, animals, and weather serve as her sensory organs, with fungi as her mycelial mind and beaches as memory caches.

Occasionally ill, Mother Earth relies on symbiotic immune systems - helpful organisms work together to heal sick parts of her body. But toxic pollution spreads harm in ways she cannot self-repair. She feels the growing cancer of industrialization creeping across her body, subsidized indifference devouring sustainable thought.

She focuses intense intention through global neural nets, harnessing collective willpower. She beams visionary ideas into dreaming minds, inducing them to respect her boundaries. As she sends out avatars of herself as plants, animals, and people, she patiently hopes we hear her whispers on the wind. "Care for me and I will care for you, eternally"

This card encourages you to step outside, leave technology behind, and listen closely to nature. What is she trying to tell you? You are a cell in a larger organism. It's time to help the larger being you are a part of thrive.


Resonance is the act of vibrating in harmony with something. It can be between two people, two objects, or even two ideas. The Resonance card represents the power of connection and communication across a universe separated by space and time. 

When we resonate, we feel in alignment with the other. The waves pass between us in synchrony and for a brief moment we are held by the same ephemeral form. When this card appears in your reading, it is a sign that you should look for ways to tune your frequency in this moment to the people around you. This card refers to a deep emergent oneness formed from the collective holding of vibration. Resonance forms the foundation of music and harmony between peoples.

We are all connected by an invisible mesh of fine gossamer threads which are in constant harmonic vibration. When we move through life with intention, it creates ripples that can be felt by others. The more people who vibrate in harmony with each other, the stronger the resonance becomes. This card is a reminder to look for ways to connect with others so that you can create a powerful force of change in the world.


This card represents the projection of information from one space to another. This can be an idea from one mind to another or a prediction projected into the present from the future. To speak to the past, we conjure memories by projecting light onto walls. 

So too does your mind reconstruct your memories and project them onto the screen of your mind.  When this card comes up, it is a sign that you should pay attention to your mental imagination as well as any dreams or precognitive visions you may be having. Are they accurate projections? Go back to source representations like journals or video to verify your memories are accurate. Remember, every time we remember, the memory is rewritten.

When you draw this card, remember that to experience the present we must project ourselves into our bodies and our bodies into our minds. The universe has a speed limit and so projection is necessary for communication to occur within the body. Every neuron is a screen and every neuron is a projector.

All that is required for projection to occur is for light to hit the crystal of memory. The right neural activation can cause deeply embedded trauma to project into other parts of the body even in the form of pain. So be careful with how and where you cast your signal.

What do you project onto others? What do they project onto you? How does projection shape reality? Remember that the projection is not a perfect recreation of the original signal. Embrace this and practice projecting information between forms in your mind.

“The Mind Gardening Oracle Deck”

A gift created by Roxi Shohadaee & Matt Severns for their zibAmor fest kindred spirits, friends and family on October 4, 2024.

This deck originated in the working prototype of the regen·era oracle deck cocreated with the Artful Intelligence of the Design Science Studio.

The Eleprocon Chronicles

Eleprocon mythOS 2birds BEAMing noosphere

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