
The Sense of Knot Knowing

What's Mything: Clew of Gordias...

🧶 Hanging on to the bitter end?!?

[ThreadBear String Quartet strikes up a cord]

ANNOUNCER: Welcome back to “What’s Mything” — the mythstery gameshow where legends come to life! Tonight, we unravel an ancient enigma with our new Mythstery Guest. Let’s find out if our panelists race to a short cut deciphering their identity or get cut short before the final clew!?!

HOST: Hello everyone, welcome panel and Mythstery Guest… who wants to give it the first wack!?!

PANELIST 1: Let’s start simple — Mythstery Guest, were you revered as a great, maybe the greatest, ruler ever?

🧶 EN’GORD: Ah, a ruler? Not quite. I was the challenge that unfortunately made one, actually many over time. An obstacle woven in fiber and fate, waiting for a hand wise enough — or as we find out, brash enough — to test its claim.

PANELIST 2: Sounds like a riddle wrapped in history. Were you ever linked to a prophecy?

🧶 EN’GORD: Indeed. A whisper resonating through the strands of time — a promise that whoever could undo me would command the lands. But prophecies twist like rope; their truths, bound by those who braid them.

PANELIST 3: Hmm. Were you an object of devotion, perhaps in a temple?

🧶 EN’GORD: Ah, placed within a sacred space, yes! Bound to the yoke of a forgotten king’s oxcart, tied by Gordias in the temple of Zeus. But not for prayer — no, for the patience of fate itself.

PANELIST 1: So, you're a physical thing — tied to power and conquest. Did a famous figure of not knowing make you legendary?

🧶 EN’GORD: Legendary, infamous — both fit. A relentless conqueror, weary of patience, sought not to untangle but to sever. With one stroke, he cut through my complexity, but in doing so, he divided more than mere fibers.

PANELIST 2: Alexander the Great! And you — you must be the Gordian Knot!

HOST: That’s correct! Our Mythstery Guest tonight is none other than the Gordian Knot, or as we know them, En’Gord! But tell us, En’Gord, does history truly remember you, or are you hanging on by a thread?

🧶 EN’GORD: Ah, history remembers what it is told. But stories, like knots, shift with time. They say man conquered me with steel, but what if he merely chose the illusion of a solution? The sword gave them power, but did it grant them wisdom? Would the patient hand have found a truer path?

PANELIST 3: So, you're saying the lesson isn’t in the cutting, but in what was lost when the knot was severed?

🧶 EN’GORD: Precisely. Mine was not just a tangle of rope, but of meaning. A choice — between unity or division, patience or haste. And in the echoes of history, the blade is too often mistaken for wisdom.

PANELIST 1: Then… could it be that your real prophecy was never about empire, but about the choice itself? That the true test wasn’t in wanting to be king, but in understanding how to hold things together rather than tearing them apart?

🧶 EN’GORD: Now you are unraveling the deeper truth! The tale of the Gordian Knot is not merely about conquest — it is the tale of separation. The myth of divide and conquer took root in that moment that slipped out of time, where force triumphed over patience. And so, the world repeated the cut, again and again, mistaking division for destiny. But what if, instead, we untangled the essence of knot knowing?

[Audience sighs a deep breath of relief]

HOST: And there you have it, folks! Thank you, En’Gord, for tying together past and present while clewing us into the future.

“A legend to be re—membered… the sword will lead to the bitter end flapping around unbound!

May you always sense the wisdom within the knot.”

[ThreadBear String Quartet strums a few closing bears]

ANNOUNCER: Join us next time on What’s Mything? Where we clew into history, mystery, and mythOS, our mythic operating systems entwined in knot knowing!

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