
Midstream in the Mythelium: 2025

The sense of storyliving through both Design Science Decades...

Storyseeds and Mythsticks: Eleprocon Kin, Ouroboros, Ariadne’s Clew, the Tree of Life and 2birds… oh my!

what was this clew that we knew what to do

unravel this ball of red thread she said

disappearing into the the land of insideout

knowing but not knowing what its all about

Here I am smack-dab in the middle of the Design Science Decade… again!

The first time was 1970 but I didn’t even know it.

Until I recently found this old 35mm slide… a school trip to Japan 1970 in Osaka at the World Expo taking a selfie with a giant geodesic dome in the reflection behind me.

Back then I didn’t know what it was or who Buckminster Fuller was. But I was mesmerized.

Then we went to ground zero, Hiroshima… I was crushed. At 14 years old, humanities capacity to create and destroy was forever etched into my soul.

1970 World Expo - Osaka, Japan
Geodesic Dome: E.A.T. Pavilion (Experiment in Art and Technology) background in selfie reflection @ 1970 World Expo - Osaka, Japan

Now in 2025, midstream in the second Design Science Decade, 55 years later here I am living in a geodesic dome.

I know of the Design Science Decade this time around but I am not sure where it is going. Although I can imagine it… as I have been since my sense of hope was aroused as a kid and I first wandered into the Buckminster Fuller Institute back in 1982.

We have been calling it “regen•era, the regenaissance,” since the Design Science Studio took root in 2020. It was at the same time I shed my soon to be past life and moved to start anew living in a geodesic dome amidst the neighborwood wildlife.

Fortunately 2birds flew the coup with me and my Meta4•MixMaster to the land of insideout along with a gaggle of eleprocon kin from around the world about to begin the first coheART of the Design Science Studio inaugurating the second Design Science Decade.

To you I raise my arms in cheer…

Arriving at Joe’s Geodesic Dome for the first time c.2018

A Toast to the Positive Deviants

Raise your glass to the misfits, the mavericks, the dreamers, and the doers—
To those who dared to reflect and refract versus simply react, to ask “What if?” in the face of “That’s how it’s always been.”

From the First Design Science Decade—the audacious experiment (1965-1975) ignited by R. Buckminster Fuller’s challenge to “make the world work for 100% of humanity”—to this very moment, midstream in the Second Design Science Decade, these positive deviants have been the ones storyliving the path from forward.

My first sketch of 2birds c.1987 upon learning about them and the Tree of Life

They’ve been the proactive bird, leaping from branch to branch, biting into the fruit of new possibilities, potentials and pitfalls. And they’ve been the conscientious bird, perched in quiet contemplation, seeing themselves intertwined within the mythelium and whole tree of life — the roots, the branches, and the omnidirectional connections between them.

The sense of lore on the tip of our gnosis — 2birds carving 2024

A Roost for the Rebels Who Rocked the (r)Evolution

Let’s not forget that their path was rarely smooth. Positive deviants are troublemakers of the finest kind, questioning the unquestionable, making the invisible visible, and …let’s be honest… occasionally rattling some nerves.

  • To the ones who pointed out that the emperor had no clothes, then took it on to redress the situation.

  • To the kin who failed gloriously before stumbling upon the breakthroughs that changed everything.

  • To the ones who embodied Nature’s Elders’ original call heeding “divine and concur,” even when the world blindly blessed “divide and conquer.”

They’ve been roasted by skeptics, misunderstood by the masses, and, on occasion, celebrated only after the dust had settled.

Thanks to them, rayfinders all, and the sense of being sphere.

Moved into the dHome 2020 at the start of the Design Science Studio/Decade

A Tribute to Kin Who Amplify the Mythelium

These aren’t just lone geniuses. They’re kineleprocon kin—nurturing a web of connection beneath this storied forest floor… the mythelium. They’ve electrified the commons of mind —the noosphere— spreading knowledge, inspiration, and kinpiphanies. Beacons that light the way for all of us.

They’ve shown us that:

  • Ouroboros doesn’t just symbolize endings—it’s about beginnings born from endings. Renewal. Regeneration.

  • The Tree of Life isn’t a static symbol—it’s a living, breathing system we are deeply intertwined in.

  • The call to “design with intent” is not just a challenge—it’s a responsibility as ancestors to future generations.

These positive deviants have given us the tools, the stories, and the courage to nurture a world worth living into.

Nature’s Elder aka Greenman carved with Ouroboros and 2birds — 2024

What Hails from Here

So, here’s to the next branch on the Tree of Life, the next kinpiphany waiting to be inspired. Here’s to you, to me, to all of us who dare to imagine what comes next.

As we stand at this midpoint in the Second Design Science Decade, we don’t just look back in gratitude—we look forward in resolve and inward for guidance.

The story is far from over…

What hails from here? It’s you. It’s me, it’s us, it’s we.

It’s the actions we take and the harmony we create.

Life is but a work in progress/process… the first gifts of 2025

So let us toast the positive deviants, those who got us here. Let us roast the challenges they faced and the conventions they freed us from. And let us tip our hats to our kin, the storyseeds and mythsticks who have, are and will be the future BEAM(ing) mythelium.

Here’s to encouraging a world that works for 100% of life!

Cheers to 2025… to you and you and you!

Let’s hear what you’re up to…

🧶 Entangled ClewRolled up entwined in these stands to this very day, evolved over eons, within this last fairytale you’ll find a clickable Clew or two awaiting you — gifts with the sense of story strung through…

The Eleprocon Chronicles

Eleprocon mythOS 2birds BEAMing noosphere

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