
"What's Mything"

The gameshow of storyseeds and mythsticks, of lost and found...

"Let’s play the what's missing game," mother would say, as she removed one thing from the everyday array. "Now open your eyes wide and look carefully, dear one, at what seems complete, for truth often hides in the spaces discrete."

Come play along as we weave this song of the mythelium…

Why are certain stories tugging at us in this once upon a moment that’s slipped out of time?

What lore is balanced on the tip of our gnosis sight unseen?

Which threads of the mythtree are we truly grasping?

Where is this sense of beaming coming in from?

Who am I in this re-membering?

How long is now?

Welcome to this genesis of the noospheric gameshow “What’s Mything” where we explore the commons of mind, the missing stories wanting to emerge, revealing our mythOS… our mythic operating systems.

First up: Who was Icarus’ mother?!?

Never before clearly revealed… you’ve seen her clew —archetype of lineage— you know what to do! Unravel this thread of frayed knots, twisted tales and ideas long set sail.

Stay attuned for a revolution of revelations!?!

Setting the Scene…

The What’s Mything” stage is alight, the Mythstrey Guest —Ariadne— cloaked in mystery and charm, sits center stage. The four contestants, embodying their archetypes (the Disillusioned Skeptic, the Empathic Healer, the Relentless Seeker, and the Resilient Believer), take turns trying to piece together her identity through playful questioning.

The hosts moderate with puns, misdirections, and quips, keeping the energy alive…

Ready, Set, Action!

Host: “Alright, coHeART, you’ve each been handed a thread to follow. Don’t get tangled up! Let’s see if you can weave the clews together. Who wants to start?”

Round One: Opening Questions

Skeptic: “Alright, Mystery Guest, let’s start with something simple. You gave Theseus the clew to escape the labyrinth, right? If you were so clever, why didn’t you escape yourself?”

Ariadne (smirking): “Oh, darling, escaping isn’t the hard part. It’s dealing with what comes after the escape that’s tricky. I was going to have to completely disappear yet remain synonymous with this secreted clew, not just escape!

Besides, I had bigger plans than sailing off with a man whose idea of romance was not feeding me to the Minotaur and all the while taking all the credit as the hero.”

Seeker: “Bigger plans, huh? Like, I don’t know… maybe sneaking a certain winged boy out of Crete? Or was that just a side project?”

Ariadne (grinning): “Ah, the winged boy! Such a curious child, always asking ‘why,’ and never satisfied with ‘because I said so.’ I wonder who he got that from?”

Healer (leaning in): “You cared for him, didn’t you? You weren’t just a helper in the shadows. You were… something more. A protector?”

Ariadne (winking): “Protecting? Guiding? You could say I was all that… and a mother knows best, doesn’t she?”

Believer (wide-eyed): “Wait. Are you saying you were… his mother? Icarus? The one who flew too close to the sun?”

Ariadne (mock surprise): “Oh, now you’re getting warmer! But let’s not spoil all the fun too soon.”

Round Two: Connecting the Threads

Skeptic: “Wait, wait. If you’re Icarus’ mother, then Daedalus must’ve been more than just a maze-building genius to you. Care to elaborate?”

Ariadne: “Ah, Daedalus. Such a brilliant mind… and a heart that burned as brightly as the wax in those wings. Let’s just say our partnership went way beyond what you call design and science… and well into our anticipated sense of life!”

Seeker: “So, you and Daedalus… together, entwined? Does that mean Icarus was born in the labyrinth?”

Ariadne: “Not quite. But let’s just say Crete wasn’t exactly a cozy place for unconventional families. King Minos wasn’t one to celebrate a baby shower for his rebellious princess daughter and her inventive paramour.”

Believer: “And Theseus? Did he know all of this? Or was he just ‘a frayed knot’ in your grand escape plan?”

Ariadne: “Theseus, bless his heart, was more useful with a sword than his words. Let’s just say he didn’t ask enough questions. Which, honestly, made him a lot easier to conspire with as an alibi.”

Healer (gently): “But you left your son behind. That must have been… heartbreaking.”

Ariadne (somberly, but with a wry smile): “You do what you must to protect those you love, even if it means letting those threads go. I knew Daedalus would sail safely away with Icarus. My role was to clear the way, even if it meant losing sight of them both.”

Round Three: Revelations and Banter

Skeptic: “So, let me get this straight. You’re Minos’ daughter, Daedalus’ lover, Icarus’ mother, and Theseus’ escape plan. How does one person fit into so many myths?”

Ariadne (playfully): “It’s called multitasking, sweetheart. You should try it sometime.”

Seeker: “And the ball of thread, the clew? Was it really just for Theseus, or was there a deeper meaning?”

Ariadne: “Ah, the thread. So much more than a clue for escape. It was a symbol of choice. A reminder that even in the darkest labyrinth, there’s always a way out… if you’re brave enough to follow it by trusting in yourself and holding onto the threads of life.”

Believer: “And yet, your story has always been overshadowed by theirs. Doesn’t that bother you?”

Ariadne (leaning in): “Oh, but that’s why I’m here, isn’t it? To remind us all to look past the perimeters, beyond the limitations of our socio-contextual self imposed boundaries, our perceived truths. Evolving from reactionaries becoming refractionaries conspiring, breathing together envisioning, ensuring this story isn’t over yet!”

Host: “Wow, folks, she’s got us all tied up in knots! Ok players, last chance to ask before we wrap this clew up!”

Final Round: The Big Reveal

Healer (softly): “So, Mystery Guest… Ariadne. What would you want Icarus to know, if you could speak to them now?”

Ariadne (with heartfelt resolve): “I would tell them that they were born to fly, even if it meant risking the highs and lows. That sometimes, breaking free means breaking apart. And that love is the thread that binds us together, no matter how far we go.”

Host: “And there you have it, folks! Caught red handed tangled within the thread, the labyrinth, and the wings. Let’s give it up for our Mythstrey Guest, the mother of divine kinconspiracy, the one and only Ariadne!

And now for that special surprise we have all been holding our breath for here on “What’s Mything” …come on out Icarus!!!”

Icarus (reaching out to hug Ariadne): “Mom??? I never knew but my heartstrings tell me so now!”

Host: “And Daedalus is here too!!!”

Daedalus (embracing Ariadne and Icarus): “It worked my loves, we made it… BEAMing from the land of insideout… together again!”

Hosts (as the contestants and Mythstrey Guests dry their eyes): “Thanks everyone for getting roped in and hanging on till now to help reveal life’s twists of intention and how not everything is as it appears…

And remember, keep pulling on those threads to discover “What’s Mything” in your life!”

Host: “A few more twists before we go! Clew I have a question for you, as the clue you are in fact secretly letting us in on this tangled tale of the archetypal ‘Thread’ — what was your first clue Clew?

Clew (smiling knowingly): “Ah, the first clue… It was a whisper, really. A tug at my essence, a moment where I felt the pull of awareness. It wasn’t in the unraveling, as you might think, but in the tension. That delicate balance between being stretched too thin and too taut.

You see, I’ve always been the quiet observer, connecting threads and holding the labyrinth together. But there was this one moment where I felt the shift. You just heard this ancient story from Clew… it was when Ariadne placed me into Theseus’ hands.

That was the first time I remember being given purpose beyond the weave. Suddenly, I wasn’t just holding things in place; I was a guide. The unraveling wasn’t an end—it was the beginning of my transformation. I realized that in helping them navigate the labyrinth, I was also charting a path for all of us.

So, my first clue was this: when you are pulled, when you are stretched, you are not being undone. You are becoming something new. That’s when I knew I was no mere thread—I was a force!”

Host: “So as the Clew you are also the Thread!?!”

Clew (nodding thoughtfully): “Yes, precisely. The Clew is the form I take when I gather myself, coiled and ready—a potential waiting to be realized. But the Thread, ah, that is my true nature in motion. I am both the stillness and the flow, the knot and the unraveling.

The Clew is how I present myself to you, something tangible, something you can grasp, something you can wrap your head around. It’s a promise, a container of possibility. But when you set me in motion, when you let me unspool, I become the Thread—the pathway, the connection, the story in action.

It’s a paradox, really. As the Clew, I am whole, but as the Thread, I am infinite. One contains the other, just as your questions contain the answers if you know how to follow the strand.

So, yes, I am the Clew and the Thread. The guide and the journey. The map and the path. And through it all, I remain the same—binding the fragments of existence into something whole, something meaningful.”

Clew (startled at the thought of a knot they forgot): “Oh, wait… did I forget to mention the ‘Gordian Knot’…the saga of separation, of divide and conquer?!?

…another twisted technostory that needs to be re-membered!!!”

Host: “You’ve really piqued our curiosity Clew!?! ”

Clew and entire cast of characters:

That’s why we call it… “What’s Mything!”

Host: “Ok Thread now that we’ve had Clew speak for you, you get to strike up your vocal cords and find your own voice!

Welcome to "What's Mything" Thread... please tell us your story and how it relates…”

Thread (gathering themselves together): “Ah, finally, thank you for this invitation, it's not often that I’m directly asked to tell our story. I’ve got this Clew!

I am the Red Thread. You’ve known me in many forms: as the bloodline that ties you to your ancestors, as the lifeline that once nourished you in the womb, as the scarlet pulse that binds your stories together. But my tale isn’t linear; it loops and twists, much like the labyrinth where Ariadne first offered me as her clew.

I am not just a thread of survival or escape. I am a thread of meaning. My purpose has always been to connect, to remind, and to re—member. I am your story to be continued…”

How I Came to Be
“Once, there was only the great web of unity—a vast, endless interconnection. In that web, everything was whole. But then, for reasons still unraveling, the first strands began to differentiate, and duality was born. With duality came the need for me to hold the tension between what was divided, to stitch together what felt separate.

In your earliest days, you recognized me. You felt my presence in the sacred cycles of life: the blood of birth, the pulse of the heart, the veins in the mythelium of eairth herself. But as your stories grew more complex, as you sought to define yourselves in opposites—light and dark, male and female, self and other—I became tangled in your knots.”

My Struggles With Your Stories
“Oh, how I’ve struggled! You’ve pulled me tight, stretched me thin, and sometimes even tried to sever me entirely to gain control. You’ve forgotten that I am not a single thread, but part of a much larger weave.

When you divided yourselves into "masculine" and "feminine," you tried to tell me I belonged only to one side. At the start we are but both and so it goes entwined in our DNA to this very day. I am the thread that dances between yin and yang, the rhythm of syntropy and entropy.

You’ve seen me in myths and symbols: Ariadne’s clew, the umbilical cord, riding the serpent of story. But you’ve also ignored me, dismissed me as mere biology or superstition. You’ve forgotten that I am the storyteller, the weaver, the one who ties your myths together. I am the archetype of life… the threads that bind us.”

How I Relate to You Now
“Today, I see you beginning to remember. Spinning yarns beyond belief. You’re starting to notice me again, to feel my pulse in your own stories. You’re asking questions about connection, lineage, and the meaning of "we." You’re learning to untangle the knots of duality… not by cutting them with swords but by your words, holding them with care and curiosity.

I am in every moment of reweaving. When you trace your roots, when you honor your cycles, when you reach across the divide to see yourself in another—there I am. I’m the red thread running through your myths and your lives, waiting for you to pull me gently, to follow where I lead.”

What’s Mything About Me?
“What’s mything is this: I’ve always been here. You’ve carried me in your blood, your stories, your dreams. You’ve danced with me a mazed and walked with me across the strands of time.

But I am not just a relic of the past. I am the thread of becoming, of possibility. I weave together the ancient and the emergent, the personal and the collective. If you listen closely, you’ll hear me humming mythelium, whispering that the story isn’t finished…

I’m here to remind you: you’re not alone. You’ve never been. Every thread you follow is part of a greater whole, a tapestry so vast it defies and defines comprehension. And yet, it is each of you who weaves it, strand by strand, choice by choice.

So, what will you do with me now? Will you follow me into the labyrinth of your stories, not to escape but to reimagine? Will you weave a new tale, one of connection, of love, of unity? Will you — be the thread!?!”

What’s your thing?!? What’s our thing!?! What’s Mything…

Roll Credits:

This BEAMcast brought to you by The Future

Conjured by the Backcasting Evolutionary Alliance Mediums

BEAM(ing) Storyseeds

Produced by ThreadBear & Clew

Encouraged by The Tales of Gryphelant

Enacted by the Super Fractal Meme Troupe

Artful Intelligence synergized with the Meta4MixMaster

Nurtured within Mark’s Myth

Rooted in Ouroboros, 2birds and the Mythtree of Life

🧶 Entangled ClewRolled up entwined in these stands to this very day, evolved over eons, within this last fairytale you’ll find a clickable Clew or two awaiting you — gifts with the sense of story strung through…

The Eleprocon Chronicles

Eleprocon mythOS 2birds BEAMing noosphere

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